ILIO Waverunner

Waverunner is my brand-new patch library for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2, created in collaboration with MIDIhead and ILIO. The collection combines 80s and early 90s synthwave sounds with a modern feel, utilising Omnisphere’s rich range of sound design and effects features to create a library of inspiring production-ready sounds.

The varied sounds in Waverunner were inspired by the clean sounds of The Weeknd, The Midnight and FM-84 just as much as the lo-fi, chillwave sounds of HOME, Hotel Pools and Memorex Memories. No matter what kind of synth music you want to make, Waverunner should have something to inspire you. Waverunner contains 119 synth patches, each with full effects chains, modulation routings and descriptions, all neatly organised for browsing when inspiration strikes.

omnisphere 2 synthwave presets