This pack contains four Aphex Twin remakes of tracks from Selected Ambient Works 85-92, including the three remakes featured in my Aphex Twin article (Ageispolis, Pulsewidth and Xtal) as well as a full remake of We Are The Music Makers, which can be seen on YouTube.
The most challenging things to get right for these remakes were the drums and the overall production. The album was originally recorded on cassette, and it has a distorted sound throughout that I tried to recreate in a few ways, the main being using Decapitator and RC-20 Retro Colour on the master channel for all the remakes. Other than that, all the synths are from Arturia Prophet-5 V and DX7 V and I used the original samples in Xtal and We Are the Music Makers.
I didn’t have access to a Roland R-8 while putting together these remakes, so they don’t use samples from my DrumVerse R8 pack. As such I had to mix-and-match sounds from different sample packs and process the sounds to match the sounds in the original songs.